Bimal Das2023-06-07T05:31:22+00:00
Battle of Brains 2019 organized by CSEDU
Bimal Das2023-06-07T05:31:22+00:00June 7, 2023|
Bimal Das2023-06-07T05:25:33+00:00
Competition at DUET TECHFEST 2017
Bimal Das2023-06-07T05:25:33+00:00June 7, 2023|
Bimal Das2023-06-07T05:04:25+00:00
1st Runner up at the Business Innovation Summit
Bimal Das2023-06-07T05:04:25+00:00June 7, 2023|
Bimal Das2023-06-07T04:56:33+00:00
Robot competition in Robolution 2019
Bimal Das2023-06-07T04:56:33+00:00June 7, 2023|
Bimal Das2023-06-06T10:28:51+00:00
DUCSU Swimming Competition (2019) on Dhaka University day, organized by DUCSU.
Bimal Das2023-06-06T10:28:51+00:00June 6, 2023|
Bimal Das2023-06-06T05:50:04+00:00
NASA Space Apps Challenge champions from Sylhet division.
Bimal Das2023-06-06T05:50:04+00:00June 6, 2023|