Program Description
PhD in Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering
Session: 2019-2020
PhD in RMEDU (Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Dhaka) is a four-year program. However, a researcher can submit the thesis after the first 2 (Two) years.
The duration of the PhD program is 5 (Five) years for part-time PhD and the thesis can be submitted after the first 4 (Four) years. However, if the researcher wishes to submit the thesis after 3 (Three) years by completing his/her research works, s/he can submit it with an approval from Academic Council along with the recommendations from the supervisor and Academic Committee.
Admission Requirements: The admission requirements for PhD program will be followed as per university rules.
Admission Process: Students will be admitted to the department as per university rules.
Course Structure:
i. Directly registered PhD researchers outside from University of Dhaka should complete 2 theory courses, each of 100 marks, or 4 theory courses, each of 50 marks in his/her first year. The duration of the examination is 4 hours for 1 unit exam (=100 marks) and 2 hours for 1/2 unit exam (=50 marks). In addition, there will be a viva of 100 marks in which the student must attend.
ii. There must be at least 48 classes and 24 classes, respectively, for the 100-marks and 50-marks course.
Transfer from MPhil to PhD: The MPhil researchers who passed the 1st year theory and viva exam, and applied for the admission in 2nd year, can migrate to PhD program from MPhil program based on the satisfactory progress in their research and the recommendations from the concerned supervisor, Academic Committee, PhD Sub-committee, Faculty-meeting and approval from Board of Advanced Studies and Academic Council.