M.Sc. Admission Notice (Session 2023-2024)
Department of Robotics & Mechatronics Engineering
University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000

Prospective Students are invited to apply for a full-time, 1.5 year research-based Master of Science in Robotics & Mechatronics Engineering (RME) at the University of Dhaka

Application Deadline: April 09, 2025

Program Details:
The program extends over 3 (three) semesters (6 months/semester) of study. Classes will be held with the regular master’s batch. The program requires 18 credits of course work and 18 credits of thesis (total 36 credits).

Click here to download RMEDU Masters Syllabus.

Eligibility for Admission:

Applicants graduated from Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering,  can apply satisfying the following: Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information and Communicatoin Technology, Atumation Engineering, Industrial &  Production Engineering, Applied Physics, Others (Must be relevant to RME and wiil be subjected to the approval of the department)

  1. Must obtain a bachelor’s degree or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 3.25 out of 4.00.
  2. Must have at least GPA 3.5 on a scale of 5.00 in both S.S.C. & H.S.C/ equivalent examinations and the total CGPA of S.S.C. & H.S.C. should be at least 8.00.
  3. Candidates having Bachelor degree outside CGPA 4.00 scale or Foreign Bachelor degree or Grades in O/A Level or Divisions in S.S.C/H.S.C (before GPA system) should submit the equivalence certificate in the admission application form. If the equivalence certificate is not available, the candidate must submit the syllabus, grading policy, and transcript for the degree they wish to have equivalence checked.

Application Form: 
Click here to fill up the application form. (Please complete payment before filling up the application form. You will need to upload the receipt while submitting the admission application.)

Payment Information:
Please complete your payment of application fee (2500 BDT) in the following bank account and attach the payment receipt while filling up the admission form.

Bank Name: Agrani Bank Limited
Account Name: Department Development Fund, RME, DU
Account Number: 0200008963192
Branch Name: Dhaka University
Branch Code: ​​​​9612
Routing Number: 010271724

Admission Test:

The admission test will be worth 100 marks in total. 60 marks for the written test and 40 marks for the oral test. The syllabus for the admission test is as follows:
1. Introduction to Robotics
2. Programming
3. Mathematics
4. Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics
5. Engineering Mechanics
The duration of the written test will be 2 hours.

Schedule for Admission Procedure:

Last Date to submit the application April 09, 2025
Time and venue for the written test Date : April 19, 2025

Venue : Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering

Viva of the selected candidates Date : April 26, 2025

Venue : Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering

Orientation and beginning of class May, 2025

For the latest news on admission, please call at 01737238984.
Click here to download the M.Sc. Admission Brochure.

Office: Room No. 1005, 9th Floor, Science Complex Building, University of Dhaka
Mobile No. 01737238984 [Office Hour 08.30 am to 05.00 pm] E-mail: rme.admission@du.ac.bd , Website: www.rme.du.ac.bd